


1914 Riding into War

1915 Wounds of War

1916 Dig For Victory

1917 Machines of War

1918 Broken Poppies



Abel Tasman

Anzac Animals

Anzac Heroes

Anzac Violin



Back-to-Front Bob

Bambi the Blind Alpaca

Barking Mad

Bastion Point

Bess the Brave War Horse

Big Little Blue, SandyPants! (Book #1)

Big Little Blue, RockyBottoms! (Book #2)

Bloodtree Chronicles #1 Sanspell

Bloodtree Chronicles #2 Bragonsthyme

Bloodtree Chronicles #3 Thatchthorpe

Bubbles the Zooting, Tooting Manatee

Bullseye Bella

But Then . . . 

Buttons McGinty #1

Buttons McGinty #2

Buttons McGinty #3




Canterbury Quake

Chinatown Girl (My New Zealand Story)

Cool Nukes

Cup Magic

Cyclone Bola (My New Zealand Story)



Dawn Raid (My New Zealand Story)

Dead Harry

Diary of a Bat

Diary of a Frog

Diary of a Sea Lion

Dinosaur Rescue #5

Dinosaur Rescue #6

Dinosaur Rescue #7

Dinosaur Rescue #8

Dinosaur Trouble #1

Dinosaur Trouble #2

Dinosaur Trouble #3

Dinosaur Trouble #4

Dog Tucker

Doggie Ditties from A to Z

Dozer the Fire Cat

Dragon Island

Dragon Knight #1

Dragon Knight #2

Dragon Knight #3

Dragon Knight #4

Dragon Knight #5

Dragon Knight #6

Duggie the Buggy



Ernie and the Magic Kennel



Faelan the Wolf, Odd Wolf Out (Book #1)

Faelan the Wolf, Into the Lockjaws (Book #2)

Fishing Fame


Freedom Merchants, The

Friday the Rebel Dog

Fuzzy Doodle



Ghoulish Getups

Gold! (My New Zealand Story)

Gorillas in Our Midst

Grandpa versus Swing

Great Orlando, The



Harbour Bridge

Harmonica, The

Henry Bob Bobbalich

Here Come the Marines

Hero of the Hill

Hot, Cross Bunny

House on the Hill

How I Alienated My Grandma

How Not to Stop a Kidnap Plot

How to Be a Cat

Hug Blanket, The



I Can Do It! 


If I Had an Elephant

Īhaka and the Unexpected Visitor

Invincibles #1, The

Invincibles #2, The

Iris’s Ukulele



Journey to Tangiwai (My New Zealand Story) - coming soon 



Kai Stars of Matariki, The

Kate Sheppard

Katipo Joe #1 Blitzrieg

Katipo Joe #2 Spycraft

Katipo Joe #3 Wolf's Lair

Keep an Eye on this Kiwi

Keep an Eye on this Koala

Kidnap on Mystery Island

King's Nightingale, The

Kiwi Day Before Christmas 

Koro's Star



Letterbox Cat, The

Lighthouse Family

Lion Guards the Cake

Littlest Angel #5

Littlest Angel #6

Lonely Little Tree

Lopini the Legend



Marvellous Marvin

Matariki Around the World: A Cluster of Stars, A Cluster of Stories

Ming's Iceberg

Mini Whinny #1 Happy Birthday to Me

Miniwings #1 Glitterwing

Miniwings #2 Whizz

Miniwings #3 Oceana

Miniwings #4 Firestorm

Miniwings #5 Comet

Miniwings #6 Moonlight

Mission Girl (My New Zealand Story)

Monkey Boy

Mrs Chippy the Cat

Munkle Arvur and the Bod

My New Zealand Story: Canterbury Quake

My New Zealand Story: Chinatown Girl

My New Zealand Story: Cyclone Bola

My New Zealand Story: Dawn Raid

My New Zealand Story: Gold!

My New Zealand Story: Journey to Tangiwai

My New Zealand Story: Mission Girl

My New Zealand Story: Pandemic

My New Zealand Story: Quarantine

My New Zealand Story: Rainbow Warrior (coming soon)

My New Zealand Story: Stop the Tour

My New Zealand Story: Wahine Disaster (coming soon)

Mysterious Magical Shop, The



Night of the Perigee Moon

NZ Disasters: Our Response, Resilience and Recovery



Out in the Moana



Pandemic (My New Zealand Story) - coming soon

Pelorus Jack the Dolphin Guide

Pipi Dance

Project Huia

Promise of Puanga, The

Punctuation Mark



Quaky Cat Helps Out

Quarantine (My New Zealand Story)





Red Edge

Red Poppy, The

Remarkable Animal Stories

Roo and Vladimir: An Unlikely Friendship



Scrap #1

Scrap #2

Scrap #3

Seesaw Po

Seven Kites of Matariki, The

Sharing with Wolf

Shooting Stars

Short but Brilliant Career of Lucas Weed, The

Singing Dolphin, The


Snakes and Ladders

Song of Kauri, The

Starfish the Star

Stolen Stars of Matariki

Stop the Tour (My New Zealand Story)

Sunken Forest

Sun Shower

Story of Swoop, The



Takahē Trouble!

Tama and the Taniwha

Tawhirimatea, A Song for Matariki

There are No Moa, e Hoa

Things in the Sea are Touching Me

This is the Dog

This is Where I Stand

This Land: The Search for Māui, Book One

This Land: The Fall of Tāne, Book Two

Three Bears ... Sort Of

To Trap a Thief

Torty and the Soldier

Trevor the Daring Duck

Trouble in Time

TUATARA, a Living Treasure

Tui Street Tales

Tulip and Doug: Friends for (almost) ever

Tulip and Sprout, A Growing Friendship

Twin Stars of Matariki, The






Vitality Code



Wahine Disaster (My New Zealand Story) - coming soon

Watson the Detective Dog

Wearable Wonders

Winter of Fire

Winter's Day in 1939, A

Witch’s Cat Wanted

What Are You Supposed to Be

When Empire Calls

Words About Birds of Aotearoa








